SeniorsNET Federation Board Meeting

Representatives of Caritas Alba Iulia, FSC Bacău, Asociatia Four Change, ADAM Slatina Timis, Asociatia Niciodată singur, Caritas România attended the meeting of the Board of Directors of the future Federation.

The main topics on the agenda were:

  • – Statute of the SenioriNet Federation
  • – Working modalities of the Board and the taskforces
  • – Information on social assistance reforms
  • – Presentation and validation of the Strategic Plan 2022 – 2026 and the Operational Plan 2022-2023 event


  • – The network responsible informed that there are 39 organisations interested in formally joining the Federation. (either as founding members or as observer members) It was therefore agreed that a form for expressing this particular option would be sent out to SenioriNET members with the circulation of the Statute for consultation.
  • – The founding members will prepare the necessary documents for the legal registration of the SenioriNet Federation.
  • – The draft statute prepared by the project team based on the discussions and recommendations received during the network formalisation workshop in February has been updated.
  • – The members of the Governing Board agreed that in the first phase of the Strategic Plan implementation, the activities of the Federation will be carried out with the support of four working groups following the four identified priority action lines: development and capacity building of the Federation/members, research, advocacy and communication/advocacy.
  • – The membership benefits package is an element of attractiveness and a a way of increasing the organisations’ motivation to join the Federation. Thus, it will be sent to the network members together with the draft statute.
  • The elected President of SenioriNet Federation, Gyorgy Peter, had several meetings with the Ministry of Labour State Secretary, Mr. Peter Makkai and with the President of the National Council for Combating Discrimination. At the level of the Ministry of Labour most of the legislative reforms, including the draft Law on Social Assistance 292, are stagnating due to recent changes. “Long Term Care” is on the agenda, with the World Bank being contracted to conduct research on the services for the elderly in Romania. The results of the study will form the basis for the development of the LTC strategy for the elderly. The Secretary of State encouraged us to take advantage of the collaboration proposals that could come from the WB. The President of the NCCD also urged SenioriNET and its members to make use of the mechanism for reporting the non-respect of the rights of the elderly for the advocacy actions.
  • – It was agreed that on Wednesday – 23 February 2022, starting at 14.00 will take place (online, ZOOM platform) the event for the presentation and validation by SenioriNet members of the Strategic Plan 2022 – 2026 and the Operational Plan 2022-2023.
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