Call for participation – Programmes of national interest for the development of social services for the elderly
The Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity announces the organisation of a public selection of projects for the award of grant contracts under the programmes of national interest
“Community home services for dependent elderly people”
“Food services for elderly people”
“Day care and rehabilitation centres for elderly people”
“Community social services for elderly people”.
The budget allocated to programmes of national interest under this selection of projects is 124,648,605 lei.
Eligible applicants interested in submitting projects may do so until the deadline of 8 March 2023 at 18.30 at the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity.
Eligible applicants are public social services in municipalities and towns with a population of less than 20,000 inhabitants and private non-profit social service providers, i.e. associations, foundations and cults recognised in Romania.
The full announcement can be accessed here:…/6845-anunt-participare-selectie…