Caritas Iași: Retrospective of the home care services programme (2021) and 2022 Perspectives

On Tuesday, January 18, 2022, in the Blue Room of the St. Joseph Placement Center, members of the Home Care Services Program at the Caritas Iasi Diocesan Center Association participated in an event that celebrated the achievements of 2021 and outlined the perspectives for the year just begun.

In 21 years of activity, home care has implied involvement and social responsibility, commitment and devotion to people and their health, a mission sprinkled with much dedication and passion for serving the ones in need. In 2021, the Home Care Centers staff of about 60 employees assisted more than 1300 beneficiaries with varying degrees of dependency, suffering from ill health, loneliness and poor material status.

The priest Iosif Iacob, general director of the Association, addressed a word of praise and encouragement to those present: “Dear people, you must realize the value you have, a value that consists in what you carry in the depths of your being. As you have chosen to be attentive to what is going on around you, you have a sensitivity and a special value that brings fulfilment and joy to others. We hope that we will all be drops and wellsprings of life for those who are suffering. Thank you for the spirit with which you have joined our mission.”

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