ADAM Slatina Timis, SenioriNET member participated in the debates of the Health Working Group

The Coalition for the Development of Romania, of which ADAM Slatina Timiș is a member, has submitted to the Prime Minister, the General Secretariat of the Government and the relevant Ministries, as well as to the National House of Health Insurance, a series of recommendations with potential solutions for long-term care in Romania.

The material is available here.

The position paper also proposes the initiation of a national programme to support long-term care services, integrated medical-social services for elderly and disabled people. In support of this view, the signatories state that the intervention is a mature one, arguing that:

  • – there is institutional “know how” both at the level of private non-profit and private for-profit services to provide these types of services;
  • – The Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity has developed the older person’s dependency assessment grid as early as 2010, which is not yet a common working tool (no assessment of need because there were no services and funds to cover these needs);
  • listele de așteptare la aceste servicii denotă nevoia mare pentru aceste servicii, dar și incapacitatea furnizorilor de a le adresa în condițiile lipsei de fonduri.
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