SenioriNET position on Programmes of National Interest for the development of social services for the elderly

After studying the draft decision of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, SenioriNet Federation submitted a number of comments and proposals, from which we extract:

– All 4 PINs should allow both the creation of new services and the development of existing ones.

– The granting of funding through Law 350/2005 requires a 10% co-financing from the applicants, which is difficult for organizations in small towns to provide. There is a need to explore more funding mechanisms that can facilitate access to this type of programme for small organizations. There is a need to explore more funding mechanisms that can facilitate access to this type of programme for small organizations.

– Concerning home-based community services for dependent elderly people, it was proposed that a home care unit should be flexible in terms of the number of beneficiaries. The average number care hours is 15 per week. It is necessary to specify whether these hours are per beneficiary, per unit or per carer.

– Related to the provision of food services for the elderly: given the large number of beneficiaries to be served by such a service, it was proposed to include beneficiaries from one or more smaller communes/towns.

SenioriNET considers that the launch of these kind of programmes is extremely important given that Romania’s population is ageing, access to quality services for the elderly is very low and the needs of seniors are complex. On this occasion, SenioriNet Federation reaffirmed its interest in becoming a dialogue and working partner for building a professional and accessible social and socio-medical services system for the elderly in Romania.

Here is the statement paper.

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