How do member organisations position themselves related to the Federation ?

– When you hear about SenioriNET, what is the first thing you think of? “A long awaited federation that we encourage and support and value very much from it’s start as a coalition. We’ve been waiting for it to be formalised and get stronger since it is seen as the voice of the care system and it absolutely must exist.”

– “If we manage to become a federation, if we show perseverance and seriousness in terms of lobbying and advocacy especially on the legislative component, and then on the law enforcement at the local level, as united as possible, I think we will have a lot to gain. (…) If we start to have interventions on actions that touch the field of social services, there is no way we will not have a long-term gain for all of us.”

– “I see it as a big support group in a way, once because pretty much all of us have been in a process of decimation and resistance on positions, a lot of providers have closed their doors and I think it’s time for us to fall back, reposition ourselves, ally and call a spade a spade. (…) Let’s be a place where we can advise each other, complain to each other, be a part of finding solutions to various problems.”

– “I really enjoyed my time in SenioriNET where we would meet, do joint campaigns, try to intervene on various topics. I learned new things. To go beyond some preset thresholds, to get out of my comfort zone and to be more active and more present in the field of ensuring the sustainability of services, of analysis and intervention on the legislation and also on the service contracting.”

– “I am firmly convinced that a person is open to invest energy and years of life where he has passion. (…) Everyone already has a passion to be here. You have to generate the framework and the space. (…) The levers through which interaction is not left to chance and to make it as high quality as possible. In a marriage of interest to emerge and strengthen passion is unlikely. Identifying passions in the network – who is passionate about what – is essential. Giving ground to that passion.

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