Social skills of the future portfolio – 2030

Our friends at Concordia Humanitarian Organisation coordinate the FOCUS project – Forward Looking Social Europe Skills.

The project brought together the perspectives of over 200 specialists from Austria, Denmark, Italy and Romania in one place: The Social Future Skills Portfolio – 2030. The report outlines the trends that will influence the social field in the future and the key competences that professionals would benefit from developing to remain relevant in 2030.

The document contains information on:

  1. the forces driving change in the social field, with a focus on the concrete signs of these changes;
  2. the range of skills relevant to the future of social professionals;
  3. possible scenario – A day in the life of a social professional as inspiration for what the future might look like in 2030.

The full skills report can be found here: will also be available on the website in the Resources section.

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